Thursday, March 27, 2008

Iron sharpens iron!

So we all know the scripture...and we all know what it means...but today it was applied to me...yes, me!
A friend and I were e-mailing each other today and were talking about how our week has been and i answered honestly: i feel like the enemy has been messing with me this week...tempting me with the 'old' ways i was accustomed to. And that pesky little piece of worthless sludge kept messing with me until i gave in... and boy did i feel worthless for losing the battle...BUT, my friend reminded me of a very important verse regarding temptation... See if you can remember it before you read below...that's good practice for you because we all need to hide the word of God in our hearts...

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.1Corinthians 10:13

Mmmmmmm...yes~ Iron sharpens iron!
I needed to be reminded of that verse because i am now reminded that my God is so faithful... and that He has provided many ways for me to overcome the schemes of the enemy, and they are found by praying and reading the Bible.

We need to keep talking to each other, and praying for each other friends! We need to keep encouraging each other as the day draws near! We need to be accountable to each other and we need to remember that we can pray for each other whenever the need arises... but most importantly we need to stay in the word. Even if you can only find a few minutes in the morning or evening...USE THEM TO READ YOUR BIBLE ;)

Any one of you can talk to me anytime about anything! I am always there for you if you need prayer too!!
I'm your brother in Christ and i love you.

God Bless!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm getting video crazy... woot!

So here are 2 more videos from Israel: one from the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus fed the 5000...and the other is on Mt. Carmel. Enjoy...

God bless.

Another beautiful Sea of Galilee morning

Hi again friends.
Here is another small clip from Israel as we are looking south to where the Sea of Galilee empties into the Jordan River, and ending up looking at Mt. Arbel to the west.

God Bless.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dog Blog...

I have a dog.
I love my dog.
My dog loves the ocean.
My dog has a name... Moana
My dog has a blog :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Witnessing to the Danes...

So i work for a Danish company, and i went to dinner with 2 of my superiors tonight. We went to the Endless Summer Cafe in the harbor...mmmmmmm good!
So after some good food and some semi-meaningless conversation the subject turned to religion...( i may have had something to do with that... hehe ) and the focus turned to my beliefs. I was asked what type of Christian i was (they're brought up to be Protestant Christians in Denmark) and i told them that i was an evangelical, non-denominational Christian.
I told them that i believe in the historicity of the bible, the fact that Jesus died for my sins, that i believe that He was resurrected to the glory of God, and that He is coming back for me/us first to be raptured...then to come back with Him as he rides in on a great white horse and we're on little caballos blancos ( i borrowed that from Britt... haha )
What i did learn is that our main differences lie in the fact that the Bible is historically proven to be accurate.
They (the Danes) don't necessarily care if the Bible is accurate or not (well i do!). They just believe in what Jesus taught relating to how we should live our lives (o.k. i'm not mad at that)
So we talked briefly about historicity of the Bible and i made reference to the Dead Sea Scrolls and how the scriptures they found (book of Isiah) were accurate to the versions we had been reading for centuries... They were not impressed and again reverted back to their concept of not having to believe the accuracy of the Bible, but more of what Jesus taught.
So instead of beating the subject to the ground, i graciously agreed to disagree and kept the feeling of the 'discussion' a good one!
I know that the Holy Spirit will minister to them, and that the words spoken will not return void.

Praise God for giving me the boldness to speak my beliefs, and to not be ashamed of the gospel! Jesus is my saviour and I am blessed to be saved by grace.
I'm sure that they (the Danes) got that part without any confusion: that Jesus died so that we might live.

Dinner was good. :)

God Bless...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sunrise on the Sea of Galilee

Hi friends,
I want to share with you the first sunrise i experienced when i went to visit Israel with Reality last year.
It is so peaceful...... nothing but the sounds and sights of God's creation being revealed...

I hope you enjoy it :)

God Bless...