Friday, February 29, 2008

Not my will but Thy will be done...

the more we want things for self...the harder it is to give them up to the Lord. we have been trained to think that WE are the ones who make things happen and that if WE don't take care of it then who is going to?

I don't play that game anymore!!! I believe that God has a purpose for my life, and that my salvation was a part of His plan all along.
So to think that I have absolutely anything to do with how my life will play out is just dumb.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

And again i find myself in the place of getting on my knees and praying to God for wisdom. Praying that He will speak to me regarding my life, and what He has in store for me.
Praying that He will give me the strength to really surrender my life to Him.
Praying that He will teach me what it is to be a living sacrifice.
Praying that He will speak to me in His word, and that it become living and active in my life.
Praying,Praying,Praying... Yep... fundamentals huh?

Lord, i know you have wonderful things in store for me, but i want to be all about your business...not mine.
Help me to walk that walk. Help me to not worry about being alone. Help me to see more of you Jesus.

God bless.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Do i really have time to be 'blogging'...

Hmmm, blogging........

You know, i never really thought that i would have a blog, let alone the time or desire to keep one updated... but a really good friend of mine started this blog for me and i feel that i have let her down by not posting at least 1 blog.
So here is my first blog (wish me luck):

I don't know if i really understand the 'blog'. I mean i know what it means: web log ( right? ) but its' purpose still eludes me.
I guess i'm just supposed to write about things that interest me? Or am i supposed to try to think about things that will interest the people reading my HONEYBLOG. ( i like the name :) hehe )
dunno...but you can comment on that if you'd like.

So i'm gonna tell you about something that interests me... the ocean!
Sunday after church i went to Santa Clause beach to run my dog (that's her up above: Moana)...but the ocean was absolutely going nuts!!!
The waves must have been breaking 300 yards off shore! The ocean would 'drain' out really low, like 30-40 yards or something, and then it would rush all the way up the beach and hit the rocks!
Also I heard that there was, and I saw the aftermath of, a freak wave washed up over the train tracks all the way over the road...WOW...over the train tracks and up over the road.
I've lived here all of my life an i have never heard of the ocean coming that far up! It was kind of scary to tell you the truth.

So then i went and picked up Cassie, kidnapped Lisa, and took them to go look at the ocean.
We went to Little Rincon (AKA: Mussel Shoals or the Cliff House) and watched the HUGE waves come in, touching the bottom of the pier.
It was definitely a sight to see. And you couldn't help but 'feel' the energy of the ocean as you stood and watched it.

So then we went back to the Whoa-man complex and watched The Contract while eating chicken and pasta!

OH... another thing that interests me.. FOOD!! :)

So there it is... my first Blog.
Hope you like it. Maybe i'll get a wild hair and keep posting from time to time... we'll see.

God Bless.